Monday, January 11, 2010

Hello Again.

A post. An actual post. I know for all my dedicated fan(s) that a year is a long time to wait for my inspiring words of wisdom. The Sopranos were famous for taking a long hiatis between seasons, so I'm in good company. How, dear reader(s), have you survived this long? I hope the past 18 months have been kind to you. .

It's been nearly 4 years now since I left Brazil. I came back in June, 2006. The experience still is vibrant in my mind, and I look forward to my first chance to go back. I'm hoping in the next few months there may be an opportunity to travel there for work.

Here is an intesting video about chairs. I know, perhaps not as exciting as the dog catching balls from the tennis ball shooter, but clearly this will be a more enjoyable post to have on top than the Villa Alegre deal.

Perhaps one day when I'm ready to give up my current career, I'll become a documentary film maker. I really enjoy these type of short films - seemingly about nothing, but the documentary maker is able to pull the pieces together in a way that is enjoyable, clever, and tells a story.

Blu Dot Real Good Experiment from Real Good Chair on Vimeo.