Thursday, September 28, 2006

Feeling a little older today

Off the subject of Brazil for a post...

Last night, I attended Back to School Night at Edge's school. He's in 8th grade now, believe it or not for those that know me or him. The school seems nice, familiar. His teachers all seemed friendly and enthusiastic about teaching. The curriculum is more PC than I recall from my days. Now that the PC culture that has developed in the US has made being proud to be American nearly criminal, I just hope he will learn the facts, and not be editorialized to during class.

This year one of his teachers appears to be younger than me. Much younger - probably by a decade or more. I guess that threshold was bound to be passed at some point, and moves me one step closer to being officially "old". This particular teacher said "like", "you know", and "umm, ok" a lot, which I hope isn't reflective of the English, oh excuse me, now it's called "Language Arts", education he will be receiving. She also was a bit of an "uptalker", which drives me crazy. Other teachers are as I remember my 8th grade teachers: there's the strict one, the one that makes you record everything from the blackboard into a notebook word-for-word, the wacky-cool one, and the "hot" one. Let's hope there's not the "drop the pencil and lookup the girls skirt" one (you ex-Falcons will remember).

I guess I can go into a whole Brazil tie-in here too and talk about Edge's school in Brazil. Or I could drag this into a trip down memory lane for me and 8th grade. It's late though, and I'm tired - maybe in another post. Sing it Nena.

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