Another couple movie recommendations this week from FLFB. I'm getting some serious mileage out of my gift Netflix account. And, sticking to my Brazilian theme, here they are:
1. "The Man of the Year".
No not "Man of the Year" (Robin Williams, 2006), this is "O Homem do Ano" (The Man of the Year). The story of a guy who does his community a favor, of sorts, and becomes a local hero. It's kind of what you might get if Tarantino directed Goodfellas on the mean streets of Rio de Janeiro. Action packed, certainly, but no Mr. Wolf. For me, it reminded me of why my boss in Brazil was so worried when we went to Rio by ourselves. One of the central themes of the movie is just how scared the ordinary Cariocas (as citizens of Rio are called) are day-to-day and how commonplace robberies, assaults, and outright murder are there. It's ironic that the more fences, bars, guards, and video cameras you have to protect your home; the more likely the crimminals will target you for a robbing. If you liked Goodfellas, and can handle that level of brutality, rent it.
Now this, this is fantastic. A great and inspiring new way to interpret this classic scene. Big Kahuna Burger, indeed.
Another funny Skol commercial
A zip1010 Productions classic
Sao Jose dos Campos
Our house in SJC
Mission Statement
I started this blog with all good intentions of recording for posterity my thoughts on ex-pat livin' in Brazil. Sadly, I was not very diligent about posting. However, now that I have repatriated, I have started this blog anew to reminisce about my Brazilian experience. Warning: I may make sweeping generalizations about Brazil based on the perceptions I formed during my time there. Just remember; I mean no harm. This is one man's recollections of a very positive, life-changing experience
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